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Ratings & Reviews


"This book saved my GMAT score. I took classes, studied by myself, and struggled with sentence correction but none of them worked until this book. This book will teach you american english from the ground up and the book also includes useful practice questions and detailed explanations. The book really pushes you to think like a GMAT test writer and helps you to spot all the errors.”

- By J. Wang

"I just recently studied for the GMAT and I have seen a lot of various books and by far this one is the best for increasing your score on sentence correction. It is packed with great examples and is easy to read and follow. I would recommend this book to anyone studying for the GMAT. A+++++"

- By E. Stoddard

"What I liked most about this book over the others on the market is the depth it goes into the subject matter. Yes, it does cover some basic sentence grammar but I found this a helpful review since grammar was not taught formally at my school. If English is not your native language, I could see this being a great help/refresher for you. But this book goes deeper into the subject, allowing the reader to see the tricks and the pitfalls the GMAT tries to throw at you. The layout of the book makes it easy to use as a study guide. Unlike some other companies test-prep material, the questions are original with in-depth explanations and the book offers tips on strategy and typical errors throughout each section. While some other guides quote and cite extensively from the Official Guide, this book offers you a fresh perspective with unique practice questions.”

- By A.E. Sweeney